Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My last entry!!

Saturday 8/6 -

Our first evening in Amsterdam was commemorated by a walking tour of the city! I bet you won't believe this but when we arrived (after nearly 13 hours of traveling) we were met but pouring rain!!!! Yay! We traipsed about 10 minutes through the busy streets of Amsterdam to our hostel and were all pretty much sopping wet upon arrival. Our hostel... was interesting to say the least. The location was sensational but the place was old and dodgy (awww, using my new vocabulary for one of last times) and our rooms we the size of my high school locker! Anyway, Amsterdam took me by complete surprise. I'm not exactly sure what I had pictured but the city was certainly better than I expected. The best way I can think to describe it is a nicer, bigger Venice. There are a ton of canals, tram lines, and side streets and every single intersection looks the same... making it really easy to get lost! We sort of have an inside joke with Alan teasing him about how much he uses the adjective quirky to describe a city to us but when he laughingly used quirky to describe Amsterdam, he was absolutely correct! It is so cute, quaint and quirky! Amanda and I found ourselves dying to get out and get lost in the city!

Sunday 8/7 -

Today started with a bike tour around Amsterdam (if course it rained)! The interesting thing is our first day on tour started with a bike tour around rainy Paris and we finished our last day on tour doing a bike tour around rainy Amsterdam. Amanda and I took the chance to relish the sweet symmetry of this and our journey together, especially because we started and finished in London at the Clink hostel where we met! Anyway, the bike tour was great! We had to be up by 7:15am in order to have breakfast and meet our bike tour guide by 8pm! As you can imagine in any large party city, there are not many people out on a rainy Sunday morning, it was as if we had the city to ourselves. We rode all over the town and made a couple of circles through the famous Fondel Park. I seriously did not want to give the bikes back after we were finished. It was absolutely the best way to start the day!

After the bike tour we returned to our hostel to take warm showers and get ready for the day! What started as a crummy, rainy day ended up being a beautifully sunny (very abnormal) day in Amsterdam. We honestly could not have asked for any better afternoon weather. As you can probably imagine Amanda and I spent our afternoon exploring. We did not have one site in mind to see or planned place to go, we simply wanted to go and get lost in the city. We walked the majority of the day and enjoyed every minute of it! There was a gay pride festival in town so the town was decorated in pink balloons and rainbow posters everywhere! It certainly made for some interesting people watching as well!

After a full day of wandering we decided it was best to make our way back to the hostel to prepare for our last dinner and party as a group! This proved the quite the difficult task and it ended up taking us nearly two hours to find our way home. It's never an issue when Amanda and I are lost together because we are both laid back and look at it as an adventure... In fact, I am going to really miss getting lost with her in cities all over Europe.

Once we made it back to our hostel we got ready for our orange party (the orange party was because it is the color of the Deutsch flag and really just because it is always fun to have themed parties)! We met as a group around 6:30pm and walked nearly 45 minutes to the water front to have dinner. Our dinner was at a Chinese restaurant, which I found to be pretty funny seeing as how it was our last meal in continental Europe, but it was mouth watering and delicious! A couple of people by that point had left already or were leaving after dinner so the mood of the group was definitely somber and sad as we were all realizing our journey was quickly coming to an end! Our orange party actually took place on a small dinner cruise type boat and we basically just cruised the canals in our own private boat and spent our final evening together as a European family!

Sunday 8/8 -

Today we are headed back to London and it is such a bittersweet feeling for all of us. After 49 days together, we have grown so close and if course none of are ready to say goodbye to beautiful Europe but many of us are craving the comforts of home and the familiarity and routine of our non-touring lives. We have one final stop this afternoon in Brushe, Belgium to top off our 20th final country and then we are London bound.

Our stop in Brushe was fantastic! I got to try Belgium waffles and fries (yes, this is an odd combination for lunch but since Brushe is where fries were first created and I was going to kick myself if I never tried Belgium waffles I decided to combine them anyway)! After lunch and about an hour of wandering around, our group met up to bury a time capsule. Alan said this was the first time he had thought to do this since this was his first 49 day trip and a few days ago he asked us to each bring something to throw in that would would surmise our trip. We were then to bury it and return to the same spot on August 8, 2031. We all sort of thought this was a silly and useless exercise because the chances of anyone actually coming back were so small but it turned out that regardless of if anyone will come back to dig it up, it was so much fun to perform the "ceremony". Leisha, Kieta, Amanda, and I decided to throw in our Arabian picture form Istanbul. It is hilariously hideous of all of us and we each remember the smells of the costumes, how tired we were and how much fun we had doing it so we found it appropriate.

One by one, everyone put something in and explained the significance. Here is the final product... The box just barely closed!! For those of you from the tour reading this who didn't finish the whole trip, that is actually Thomas on top! Al received the original in the mail and kept him a secret the rest of the trip!

Here is our final group picture (minus about 7 people) just as we were leaving Dora for the last time and jumping on to our ferry to cross back over the English Channel.

We thought it would be smooth sailing into London but we were met by news headlines and worried faces about riots in the city. As we were driving into the city limits we literally drove right through a live riot. Stores and gas stations were being defiled and raided... Cars were being burned... Ambulances driving by us arriving to the scene had smashed in windows... It was scary! Our coach was even targeted by one of the riot members. We aren't sure what they threw and the window didn't break but in all honesty the mood of the bus changed dramatically. Everyone staying in London for a few days started to get worried and I found myself grateful to only be staying one night. When we finally made it to our destination, our area seemed to be very safe which is good and everyone instantly felt better. In a way, it kind of kept us all distracted from the fact that we were leaving each other. Once we got back to the Clink hostel we were met with (surprise, surprise) RAIN!! Here again was another tear deterrent so all in all the goodbyes were happily short and sweet. I spent the rest of the night organizing my belongings and travel accommodations and hanging out with Amanda and the remanning members of our group!

I am now sitting in the airport just 10 minutes away from boarding my plane and I can't believe it is over! I feel like it was yesterday that I was in the Atlanta airport waiting to fly out and begin this journey. I will be forever grateful for this experience and for all the amazing people I have met along the way, especially my sweet Amanda Jane!

I will be back in the US in roughly 9 hours and am eagerly and solemnly anticipating my arrival back in to America. I hope you have enjoyed my blog and following my experiences... It certainly has been life changing! :)



- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Amsterdam, Netherlands and London

Danke Schoen!

Thursday 8/4 -

Today we left Prague and are making our way into Berlin via Dresden as we have a planned 2 hour stop in the once desecrated city. Dresden turned out to be quite a nice lunch stop! It was raining the first hour during our walking tour but many of us huddled together and grabbed lunch (oddly enough) in an Australian restaurant where it was nice and dry, warm and served delicious food! I found the eerie and gothic like buildings in Dresden simply fascinating. It is a small town that in the last 26 years has had to be completely reconstructed.

Once we arrived into Berlin, we met yet another rainy afternoon. It was about 3pm when we breached the city limits and Alan decided that given the weather he would take us around the city via driving tour instead of a walking tour. Berlin is stunning and it is also huge! I thought to myself, "how can I see this all in one day?" we would have had a day and a half but our afternoon was pretty much shot due to the terencial downpour going on outside. In any event, we decided to head to bed early and pray for nice weather on our free day.

Friday 8/5 -

Much to our distaste, we awoke to a rainy Friday but Amanda, Kieta, and I set out anyway to try and make the most of our day. Our first stop was the East side Gallery, which is more commonly known as the Berlin Wall. It is what seems like miles of the old east/west Berlin separator covered in graffiti art...beautiful art! We took nearly an hour to try and see as many murals as we can. I seriously have never seen anything like it! As a city, Berlin is covered in graffiti. Alan told us that the local government spends 50 million Euros every year out of their anti-graffiti budget to try and paint over all the walls and buildings with graffiti on them... Too bad they are really just providing people with blank canvases to start over. Take a look at some of the pictures of the wall!

After a long, wet day out shopping and sightseeing we headed back to our hotel to get ready for our white T shirt party. We were all meant to wear white T shirts and travel as a group from place to place and throughout the evening sign each other's T shirts with little inside jokes and sayings from the trip. I thought this party was pretty cool because it touched on the well known graffiti aspect of the city we were in but also was something fun and creative we could all do in our final days together. Most people ended up wearing black and white so the pictures all seemed to turn out nicely... Have a look!

The evening turned out to be a huge success and fun for all! Now we are off to Amsterdam. I am actually writing this from the coach (on Saturday) and we have been sitting in traffic at a dead stop for over an hour now so we are unsure as to when we will actually reach our destination! We left at 7am this morning and are aiming to be there by 7:30pm and have a full evening planned so as you can tell, we have one busy day ahead of us!

Talk to you again soon!



Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Dresden and Berlin, Germany

Friday, August 5, 2011

Three amazing places

Tuesday 8/2 -

Today we started our morning super early in order to fit in our tour of the Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps and still make it to Prague before dinner. We spent 3 hours touring the camps with a local Polish guide, who's grandfather was actually imprisoned at Auschwitz. It was a very solemn and sobering experience to say the least. I expected the tour to make me cry but I think our guide delivered the information so delicately and informatively that I was able to avoid waves of tears. This was undoubtably one of the most memorable experiences I will ever have. Its one thing to read and hear about what went on in concentration camps and a complete other to see it with your own eyes. I seriously had to keep reminding myself that all the horrific stories we were being told actually took place where I was standing. Auschwitz has been purposely left in as close to it's original condition as possible in order to correctly convey the working and living conditions of the prisoners. We saw where the prisoners slept, worked, bathed, ate, etc. We even went inside gas chambers, punishment cells, and saw the execution walls. I can honestly say that I feel like this experience has changed my outlook on so many things. For one, I was swiftly reminded of how lucky and fortunate I am and from this point forward I am going to have a hard time feeling sorry for myself about any of the little, unimportant dramas in my life. Oh, and I certainly want to remove the word starving from my vocabulary because let's be honest, I have no true concept of what starvation feels like and I probably never will. I can honestly say that I will be forever grateful that I was able to visit Auschwitz.

In order to lighten the mood, once the tour was over we all took about ten minutes of silence to reflect on what we had just seen and then spent the rest of the day watching comedies until we arrived into Prague. As we pulled into the city limits I could feel my excitement building because I have heard so many wonderful things about Prague and I have been looking forward to visiting this city for the entire tour. Let me just say, I was not disappointed. Prague has so much character! We didn't get a chance to do a walking tour because it was dinner time and we had to make our reservations but just the little bit I had seen from the bus wet my taste buds and I knew I had to have more!

After dinner, which was phenomenal by the way, our group decided to head into Old Town where Alan took us around for about 2 hours showing us Prague at night. At first I was annoyed because I thought I would prefer the tour to be during the day but it was so beautiful at night. Prague has all these almost gothic type buildings that are so stunning to look at. It is right by the river and there is just so much to do and see! Once Alan showed us the town we decided to head off and embark on our own little pub crawl. We went to three places in total and had an absolute blast! Prague is known for it's nightlife and it certainly did not disappoint. We ended our evening at a place called 5 story club which was so neat because it was 5 stories high and every floor had a different type of music. There was even an 80s level with a disco floor that lit up when you stepped on it. Being that we are a group of 36 we have so many different tastes of music so this venue suited us very well. I didn't take my camera out that night though so I don't have any pictures to show, but it was fun! :)

Wednesday 8/3 -

Today was our full free day and our foursome (Leisha, Amanda, Kieta, and I) all took full advantage and slept in. We took our time getting ready too and made our way into town around 12:30. It was certainly a late start but it was fine since we had all day and night to explore without having to be anywhere at a certain time. We spent the day wandering in the city and as usual just soaking up all that it had to offer. Take a look at some of the pictures of Old Town.

Amanda and I ended up on our own after accidentally getting separated from Leisha and Kieta and found ourselves in a tattoo & piercing parlor. For several months now I have been contemplating getting my cartilage (the top of my ear) pierced again and decided a few weeks ago that I would like to get it done while I'm in Europe. However I hadn't been able to find a place that had good prices, spoke English AND seemed clean until I got to Prague. Once I found a place, I was so excited!! Evidently Amanda is terrified if needles though so I ended up having to go alone, but I got my ear pierced and I love it!

Anyway after my ear piercing, we made our way over to the famous Charles Bridge and ended up renting a paddle boat for an hour and it was by far our best decision of the day. It was beautiful scenery and super relaxing. We even paddled by a really cool restaurant on the water that had live music that ended up being our location for dinner.

We ended up at the restaurant on the river for several hours listening to the most amazing guy sing cover band music. The scenery was sensational! It was the absolute perfect way to end a lovely day in Prague.

Thursday 8/5 -

Today, much to my dislike, we left Prague and began on our journey to Germany. I know I should be more excited about going to Germany but I just liked Prague so much that I didn't want to leave. In all honesty, I would say Prague and Istanbul are equally my favorite cities on this trip. Mostly because I can see myself being able to live in both cities and because they are each so full of their own unique character.

We just had a mid morning stop in Dresden, Germany for a few hours and it was lovely! It did rain for the first half of it, but the history if Dresden is enchanting and the city itself is as well. Take a look!

Now we are off to Berlin where we will be spending the next two nights. We have a lot planned for Berlin as well so I am excited to see what another wonderful city holds for us!


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Location:Auschwitz, Poland / Prague, Czech Republic / Dresden, Germany