Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back to France!

It was another looooong day on Dora driving from Switzerland to France. It was roughly an 8 hour drive but it went by rather quickly which was nice. We got to design our group trip T shirt that we can purchase in Venice, watched Saving Private Ryan since it took place in France, and Amanda and I watched episodes of Sex and the City on her computer! :)

Once we arrived in Avignon we went directly into the city and went sightseeing and a bunch of us had dinner together at a cute French cafe.

After dinner a few of us rode a little carousel and yet again I felt like I was reliving my childhood while on this trip!

We are off to go bowling as a group tonight so I have just a few spare moments to put this up. Tomorrow morning we have another 9 hour drive ahead of us to Barcelona!!!! I am REALLY looking forward to Spain! I can't wait to tell you everything about it!

I'll check in again soon!

I love you!


Ps- Here is the link to my album but it's nit finished uploading so there may be more added later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Avignon, France

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